Sunday 25 March 2012

Biz Creative Marketing

MPower Network by Creative Concepts Inc.

Empower Network

Creative Network

Successful businesspeople learn from their mistake.

Making mistake from taking rick is part of educational process for any successful businesspeople.

The real successful businesspeople

Being work hard and work smart is'nt enough to become successful businesspeople...beside making mistake,

successful businesspeople also require to be CREATIVE...

creative in their thinking....their action....their very own concepts.

Smart Marketing tips for creative businesspeople

1: Make sure your resolutions are always in the favor of the clients.

2: The customer is always the "CUSTOMER", even they may not always right.

3: Never let the customer lose face.

4: Listen to the customer want....complaint.

5: Provide Good service

6: Make your products easy to purchase buy your potential customer.

7: Asking question during dicussion with customer can help to improve sales

8: When you think of you own creative message, give it a try and monitor the results.

Marc Lee 
Creative Director
Creative Concepts Inc.